Understanding our core human needs for a better relationship

with Sonya Furlong

What’s important to you might not be important to others and vise versa. But have you ever thought about what makes something a need, more than a want? We are each driven by two primary core needs and the way we behave helps us to get those needs met – sometimes we do this positively, sometimes we do this negatively. Knowing your top two core needs can help you better understand yourself but also your partner too.

Sonya Furlong is a life coach, therapist and trainer of NLP and Matrix Therapies. She is the founder of the Centre for Life Therapies which is a hub for personal healing and development. 

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Understanding our core human needs for a better relationship

with Sonya Furlong

What’s important to you might not be important to others and vise versa. But have you ever thought about what makes something a need, more than a want? We are each driven by two primary core needs and the way we behave helps us to get those needs met – sometimes we do this positively, sometimes we do this negatively. Knowing your top two core needs can help you better understand yourself but also your partner too.

Sonya Furlong is a life coach, therapist and trainer of NLP and Matrix Therapies. She is the founder of the Centre for Life Therapies which is a hub for personal healing and development. 

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