The Head and Heart of Business

The Head and Heart of Business

Join us for a transformative 3-hour event that will unlock the secrets to leveraging your head and heart in planning and leading the long-term growth of your business.

Date: Friday 21 July 2023

Times: 3-6pm. 

Venue: William Room, Canada Bay Club, Five Dock.

About the Event

  • Achieve Sustainable Growth: Balancing Head and Heart.
  • Unleash the Power of Intuitive Leadership & Growth

In today’s dynamic and unpredictable business landscape, finding the right balance between intuition and analysis is paramount. At “The Head and Heart of Business,” we believe that relying solely on your head or your heart can hinder your best intentions.

Join us for a transformative 3-hour event that will unlock the secrets to leveraging your head and heart in planning and leading the long-term growth of your business.

Date: Friday 21 July 2023

Times: 3-6pm. 

Venue: William Room, Canada Bay Club, Five Dock. 


As a business owner or CEO, you may feel that:

👉 Your business is flat & unsustainable

👉 Change is needed to grow

👉 Your customers/clients are knowledgeable and demanding

👉 Your customers/clients are spoilt for choice of where to spend their money

👉 A high performing product or service is critical but is no longer enough…..

👉 Customers want to connect with brand and businesses they like, trust and feels ‘gets them’

👉 You need to think differently about planning particularly if you want long term, sustainable growth.

Why is balance so crucial?

Leading with your heart or gut alone can result in emotional, unsubstantiated decisions that exceed the risk appetite of your business. While these decisions may yield short-term gains, they often prove unsustainable and can have a detrimental effect on your business in the medium to long term.

On the other hand, relying solely on analytical thinking may lead to a lack of human connection, bottle-necked decisions and missed opportunities.

“The Head and Heart of Business” event will empower you to strike the perfect equilibrium between logic and emotion. You will learn how to make decisions that are not only data-driven and well-reasoned but also aligned with your brand’s essence and purpose.

What can you expect from “The Head and Heart of Business” event?

⭐ Learn the importance of a predictable, sustainable and practical plan

⭐ Unlock the Power of Critical Thinking

⭐ Connect and Collaborate with like minded professionals tackling the same growth challenges as you

⭐ Gain Expert Insights from seasoned industry leaders

Meet your Hosts, Sonya Furlong and Karen Matthews

Do you ever feel like you’re attracting negative outcomes in your relationships, career, or finances, but don’t know why? I know how you feel. I used to be lost and unhappy, feeling like I had no control over my life. 

Then I came across NLP & Matrix Therapies and it changed my life.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a powerful approach to self-improvement, rooted in the science of psychology. With NLP, you’ll learn how to study and replicate successful behavior, empowering you to achieve your goals, both professional and personal.

And with Matrix Therapies, you can take your transformation to the next level. These processes help clear negative emotions and limiting beliefs, leaving you free to embrace positivity and reach your full potential.

By applying these techniques I was able to transform my life and career completely. I now have a happy marriage, a purposeful existence and a successful business. I invite you to join me to learn how to apply these techniques in your own life.

Karen Matthews is an exceptional communicator, passionate change maker and award-winning Business Transformation advisor, facilitator and speaker. With over 25 years’ experience leading turnaround, change and growth, Karen is recognised in the market as a confident, innovative leader with a trademark no ‘BS’, warm and friendly style. 

Karen’s leadership has been recognised during her career with several awards including Telstra NSW Businesswoman of the Year and  PwC National Franchise Woman of the Year.

She has led business transformation strategies for several well-known brands including Ella Baché, where she was CEO for ten years, Guess and her last corporate role as Retail Director for Freedom Furniture. Karen knows change is here to stay and businesses that do not embrace change, will not survive long term.

In 2019, Karen launched her own advisory business using her experience and proven process to guide and support business leaders as they navigate the challenges of change, turnaround and long-term growth. She is frustrated by the out-dated ‘set and forget’ notion of planning and is a passionate advocate for her brand led no ‘BS’ approach to business transformation and dynamic planning.

Karen now works with CEO/Founders of small-medium businesses, helping them strip away the noise and get clear on their vision and confident in the plans, action and accountabilities to make sure they get there – no matter what curve balls are thrown at them along the way.

In 2020 Karen released her first book ‘Demystifying the road to Change’ – a guide to Business Planning and long term growth and now advises on the topic sharing her experiences, learnings and challenges. She mentors business leaders and their teams as they navigate change and loves to facilitate strategic planning sessions to either kick start a business’s change process or move them through her full step-by-step process and set them up for long term growth.

Karen is a mum of 2 incredible kids, a gorgeous beaglier, has the world’s most patient and understanding husband and is obsessed with CrossFit

Join over 1000 high-achievers who have found success with NLP and Matrix Therapies